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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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§ 870-c. Definitions. As used herein, the following terms have the
meanings indicated:

1. "Amusement device" means any contrivance that carries and conveys
passengers along, around or over a fixed or restricted course or within
a defined area for the purpose of amusing or entertaining its
passengers, and which is of such nature that accidental personal
injuries may be incurred in its assembly, disassembly or use.

2. "Amusement park" means a tract or area used principally as a
permanent location for amusement devices or structures.

3. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of labor of the state.

4. "Carnival" means an itinerant enterprise consisting principally of
temporary amusement devices or mechanical rides, acrobatic or magic
shows, games, stunts or zoo animals operated to provide entertainment or
amusement to the public.

5. "Fair" means an enterprise principally devoted to the exhibition of
the products of agriculture or industry and at which amusement devices
or temporary structures, viewing stands or tents are provided for use by
the public.

6. "Owner" means a person, corporation, partnership or association who
owns an amusement device, viewing stand or tent or in the event that the
amusement device, viewing stand or tent is leased, the lessee.

7. "Permanent device" means a device which is used, or intended to be
used, as an amusement device that is erected to remain a lasting part of
the premises.

8. "Temporary device" means a device which is used as an amusement
device that is regularly relocated from time to time with or without

9. "Serious injury" means a personal injury which results in death;
dismemberment; significant disfigurement; a compound or comminuted
fracture; or permanent loss of use of a body organ, member, function, or
system; or loss of consciousness.

10. "Injury" means any personal injury which results in medical

11. "Safety coordinator" means a person suited by training or
experience and designated by the owner or operator of an amusement park,
fair or carnival as being in charge of the safety of all amusement
devices located at the park, fair or carnival.

12. "Viewing stand" means a bleacher, grandstand or similar structure
used at carnivals, fairs and amusement parks for public occupation,
which has a capacity of one hundred or more persons, and which is of
such nature that accidental personal injuries may be incurred in its
assembly, disassembly or use.

13. "Permanent stand" means a viewing stand that is erected to remain
a lasting part of the premises.

14. "Temporary stand" means a viewing stand that is designed to be
relocated from time to time with or without disassembly.

15. "Tent" means a tent which has a capacity of three hundred or more
persons and which is used at carnivals, fairs and amusement parks.

16. "Permanent tent" means a tent that is erected to remain a lasting
part of the premises.

17. "Temporary tent" means a tent that is regularly relocated from
time to time.