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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Licensing and certification requirements
§ 902. Licensing and certification requirements. 1. It shall be
unlawful for any contractor to engage in an asbestos project unless such
contractor has a valid asbestos handling license issued by the
commissioner. Such license will not be issued without evidence of
successful completion by the contractor, or a supervisor designated to
act as the contractor's agent, of an approved asbestos safety program
which is, at the least, equivalent to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency Model Accreditation Plan (40 CFR Part 763) and the submission of
any additional information which the commissioner may require.

2. A copy of a valid asbestos handling license or other proof of the
issuance of a valid asbestos handling license granted to the contractor
who will be undertaking the asbestos project must be submitted by the
bidder in a form acceptable to the commissioner prior to the award of
any public works contract all or part of which involves an asbestos

3. A copy of a valid asbestos handling license must be conspicuously
displayed at the work site on an asbestos project.

4. It shall be unlawful for any contractor to engage in or to permit a
person employed by the contractor, including but not limited to
handlers, project designers, inspectors and management planners, to
engage in work on an asbestos project or to supervise persons engaging
in work on an asbestos project unless each such person and supervisor
has a valid asbestos handling certificate. Such certificate will not be
issued without evidence of successful completion by each such person of
an approved asbestos safety program and the submission of any additional
information which the commissioner may require.

5. Any person employed on an asbestos project or the supervisor of any
person engaged in work on an asbestos project or any other person who is
otherwise required by law or regulation to obtain an asbestos handler's
certificate shall have in his or her possession at all times during the
work on the project a copy of the asbestos handling certificate issued
to the person by the commissioner.