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This entry was published on 2022-01-07
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Licensing and compliance requirements
§ 952. Licensing and compliance requirements. 1. Except as otherwise
provided for in subdivisions three, four, and five of section nine
hundred fifty of this article, it shall be unlawful for any business or

(a) to engage in the business of elevator and conveyance work, or
accessibility lift work, or hold themselves out as an elevator
contractor, or both, unless such person or business has a valid elevator
contractor's license; or

(b) to engage in the business of elevator and conveyance inspections,
or hold themselves out as an elevator inspection contractor, or both
unless such person or business has a valid elevator inspection
contractor's license; or

(c) any combination of the above.

2. Except as otherwise provided for in subdivisions three, four, and
five of section nine hundred fifty of this article, it shall be unlawful
for any person:

(a) to engage in elevator and conveyance work, or to hold themselves
out as an elevator mechanic, or both, unless such person has a valid
elevator mechanic's license and works for a licensed elevator contractor
or a public entity; or

(b) to engage in accessibility lift work, or to hold themselves out as
accessibility lift technicians, or both, unless such person has a valid
accessibility lift technician's license and works for a licensed
elevator contractor or a public entity; or

(c) to engage in elevator and conveyance inspections, or to hold
themselves out as an elevator inspector, or both, unless such person
holds an elevator inspector's license and works for a licensed elevator
inspection contractor or a public entity; or

(d) any combination of the above, provided, however, that the
installation of branch circuits and wiring terminations for machine room
and pit lighting, receptacles and HVAC as described in the NFPA National
Electric Code 620.23 and 620.24 as well as fire and heat detectors and
alarms, may be performed by a licensed electrical contractor.

3. It shall be the responsibility of licensees to ensure that any
elevator and conveyance work or elevator and conveyance inspections that
they perform is in compliance with existing state and local building and
maintenance codes.

4. It shall be the responsibility of holders of business licenses to
ensure that the licensing requirements of subdivisions one and two of
this section are complied with by their employees and by businesses that
they contract with, and to immediately report to the commissioner any
failures to comply with the licensing requirements of subdivisions one
and two of this section by other businesses or persons that they become
aware of.