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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Deposit of laws and concurrent resolutions with legislative leaders and secretary of state
Legislative (LEG) CHAPTER 32, ARTICLE 3
§ 42. Deposit of laws and concurrent resolutions with legislative
leaders and secretary of state. 1. The governor, upon approval of any
bill or part thereof or if the bill be one as to which all or any part
becomes law immediately upon its passage by both houses of the
legislature pursuant to article seven of the constitution, shall, in
either event, assign a chapter number to such bill and deposit the
original thereof with the secretary of state and a certified official
copy thereof with the temporary president of the senate and the speaker
of the assembly. Both the original and certified copy shall have
appended thereto the certificate of the presiding officer of each house
and the chapter number assigned by the governor.

2. Every concurrent resolution proposing amendments to the
constitution of the state and concurrent resolutions proposing or
ratifying amendments to the constitution of the United States shall be
deposited with the secretary of state upon passage, with the certificate
of the presiding officer of each house appended thereto. The secretary
of state shall forthwith upon any such deposit endorse upon each such
concurrent resolution his certificate of the day, month and year it was
filed in his office, and his certificate to such effect shall be
presumptive evidence thereof. A certified official copy thereof with
such certificate appended thereto shall be delivered to the temporary
president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly.