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Veterans internship program (V
Legislative (LEG) CHAPTER 32, ARTICLE 6-A
§ 95. Veterans internship program (V.I.P. NY). 1. There is hereby
established within the legislature a veterans internship program (V.I.P.
NY) to provide opportunities for veterans to participate in the assembly
youth participation program and the senate student program. Such program
shall award ten percent of available internships in the assembly youth
participation program and the senate student program to eligible
honorably discharged veterans. Veterans who are awarded internships
pursuant to the V.I.P. NY program shall receive a stipend that is
equivalent to the stipend awarded to graduate student participants in
the assembly youth participation program and senate student program for
a one semester internship.

2. To be eligible to participate in the V.I.P. NY program, a candidate

(a) be honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United

(b) be unemployed or underemployed;

(c) have demonstrated an interest in future employment in public
service, government or public policy; and

(d) submit an application for participation in the V.I.P. NY program
to the senate or assembly. Such application shall be made in a manner
and form as determined by the senate and the assembly.

3. In an effort to foster and encourage participation in the V.I.P. NY
program, the assembly intern office and the senate intern office shall
coordinate with each other and with county veterans' services agencies
to identify and recruit eligible candidates.