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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 174.00
Previously authorized obligations not affected; redemption of outstanding obligations
Local Finance (LFN) CHAPTER 33-A, ARTICLE 3
§ 174.00 Previously authorized obligations not affected; redemption of
outstanding obligations. The repeal by this chapter of any act
authorizing the issuance of bonds, notes, certificates or other
evidences of indebtedness heretofore authorized, issued or sold shall
not be construed to impair the validity or legality of any such
obligations or to affect in any way, the rights and duties prescribed
therein. The provisions of law in force and effect prior to the
effective date of this chapter, relating to and providing for the means
for the payment, other than by refunding, of bonds, notes, certificates
or other evidences of indebtedness theretofore authorized, issued or
sold, and interest thereon, shall continue also to apply notwithstanding
anything contained in the table of repeals hereto annexed.