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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Cost of sales; city of Lackawanna
Local Finance (LFN) CHAPTER 33-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 4
§ 54.80 Cost of sales; city of Lackawanna. To facilitate the
marketing of any issue of serial bonds of the city of Lackawanna
authorized to be issued pursuant to section two of the chapter of the
laws of nineteen hundred ninety which enacted this section, issued for
the purposes of complying with a court ordered assessment reduction,
such city may, on or before March first, nineteen hundred ninety-one,
notwithstanding any limitations on private sales of bonds provided by
law, and subject to approval by the state comptroller of the terms and
conditions of such sales:

a. arrange for the underwriting of its bonds at private sale through
negotiated agreement, compensation for services rendered in connection
with such underwriting to be provided by negotiated fee or by sale of
such bonds to an underwriter at a price of less than the sum of par
value of, and the accrued interest on, such obligations; or

b. arrange for the private sale of its bonds through negotiated
agreement, compensation for services rendered in connection with such
sales to be provided by negotiated fee or by sale of such bonds at a
price of less than the sum of par value of, and accrued interest on,
such obligations. The cost of such underwriting or private placement
shall be deemed a preliminary cost for purposes of section 11.00 of this