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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Lien on mare and foal, or on cow and calf
§ 160. Lien on mare and foal, or on cow and calf. On complying with
the provisions of this article, the owner of a stallion or bull shall
have a lien on each mare or cow served together with the foal or calf of
such mare or cow from such service, for the amount agreed on at the time
of service, or if no agreement was made, for the amount specified in the
statement hereinafter required to be filed, if within twenty months
after such service he files a notice of such lien with the proper
officers and in the same manner as is required to perfect a security
interest under paragraph two of subsection (a) of section 9--501 of the
uniform commercial code. Such notice of lien shall be in writing,
specifying the person against whom the claim is made, the amount of the
same and a description of the property upon which the lien is claimed,
and such lien shall terminate at the end of eighteen months from the
date of such filing, unless within that time an action is commenced for
the enforcement thereof, as provided in sections two hundred six to two
hundred ten, both inclusive, of this chapter, for the foreclosure of a
lien on chattels.