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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Dwellings damaged or moved
Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 2
§ 11. Dwellings damaged or moved. 1. If a multiple dwelling be damaged
by fire or other cause to the extent of two-thirds or more of its value
at the time of such damage exclusive of the value of the foundation,
such dwelling shall not be repaired or rebuilt except in conformity with
the provisions of this chapter relative to dwellings erected after April
eighteenth, nineteen hundred twenty-nine.

2. If any non-fireproof stair in any multiple dwelling be damaged by
fire or other cause to such extent that such stair or the first flight
thereof above the entrance story is required to be rebuilt, such stair
to the extent that it is required to be rebuilt shall be fire-retarded

3. If any dwelling be moved from one lot to another, such dwelling
shall thereupon be made to conform to all the provisions of this chapter
relative to light, ventilation, fire protection and egress of a dwelling
erected after April eighteenth, nineteen hundred twenty-nine, but no
frame building of any kind whatsoever shall be moved so as to be placed
upon the same lot with any multiple dwelling, nor shall any multiple
dwelling be moved so as to be placed upon the same lot with any frame