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This entry was published on 2024-02-16
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Multiple dwelling emergency information
Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 2
§ 15. Multiple dwelling emergency information. 1. In the case of an
emergency affecting a multiple dwelling, the owner or agent of such
multiple dwelling shall provide emergency service personnel, upon the
request of such emergency service personnel, including but not limited
to local police and fire departments, with the names and contact
information of all affected residents or occupants as listed in the
lease of such multiple dwelling as is required to ascertain the safety
of such residents or occupants. For the purposes of this section, an
emergency shall include but not be limited to fires, gas leaks, building
collapses, natural disasters, acts of terrorism and other events where
the physical safety of residents must be accounted for by ascertaining
their whereabouts.

2. The owner or agent of such multiple dwelling shall update the list
of names and contact information of all affected residents or occupants
of such multiple dwelling upon the execution of a new lease, lease
renewal or lease amendment, or where such owner is an authority as such
term is defined in section three of the public housing law, including
all such authorities established after the first day of January,
nineteen hundred thirty-nine, upon annual recertification. Specific and
informed written consent shall be obtained by the owner or agent of the
multiple dwelling from each occupant or resident each time the list is
updated and no occupant's or resident's name or contact information
shall be included in such list without their specific and informed
written consent. Written notice shall be provided to the occupant or
resident about the contact list and shall include but not be limited to
that such list is maintained by the owner and the potential impact of

3. Such list of names and contact information shall only be maintained
for the purpose of an emergency evacuation and shall not be
disseminated, used or accessed by emergency services personnel or
disseminated, used or accessed by the owner or agent of such multiple
dwelling for any other purposes.