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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1
§ 152. Fire-stopping. 1. In every wall where wooden furring is used
every course of masonry from the under side to the top of any floor
beams shall project a distance of at least two inches beyond each face
of the wall that is not on the outside of the dwelling; and whenever
floor beams run parallel to a wall and wooden furring is used, every
such beam shall always be kept at least two inches away from the wall,
and the space between the beams and the wall shall be built up solidly
with brickwork from the under side to the top of the floor beams.

2. Whenever a wall is studded off, the space between an inside face of
the wall and the studding at any floor level shall be fire-stopped.
Every space between beams directly over a studded-off space shall be
fire-stopped by covering the bottom of the beams with metal lath and
plaster and placing a loose fill of incombustible material at least four
inches thick on the plaster between the beams, or hollow-burned clay
tile or gypsum plaster partition blocks, at least four inches thick in
either case and supported by cleats, shall be used to fill the spaces
between beams.

3. Partitions which are not parallel with the wood floor beams and
which separate one apartment or suite from another or any part of an
apartment or suite from a public hall or other part of the dwelling
outside the apartment or suite shall be filled in solidly with
incombustible material between the floor beams from the plate of the
partition below to the full depth of the floor beams.

4. If a dwelling is within ten feet of another non-fireproof building
or of a side lot line, such dwelling shall have its eaves or cornices
built up solidly with masonry.

5. The wooden frames in any cornice on any row of buildings shall be
separated between buildings by a complete fire-stop.

6. Every space between stair carriages of any non-fireproof stair
shall be fire-stopped by a header beam at top and bottom. Where a stair
run is not all in one room or open space, the stair carriages shall have
an intermediate firestop, so located as to cut off communication between
portions of the stair in different rooms or open spaces. The underside
and stringers of every unenclosed stair of combustible material shall be

7. All partitions required to be fire-retarded shall be fire-stopped
with incombustible material at floors, ceilings and roofs.
Fire-stopping over partitions shall extend from the ceiling to the
underside of any roofing above. Any space between the top of a partition
and the underside of roof boarding shall be completely fire-stopped.