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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Cellar entrance
Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 2
§ 192. Cellar entrance. a. If there is a cellar, there shall be an
independent entrance thereto from outside the dwelling by means of a
metal fire ladder or fireproof stair leading to an opening in the
outside cellar wall at least two feet six inches in width and six feet
in height. Such entrance to the cellar may be through an areaway or
through a fireproof passageway leading directly to the street. The
entrance to the cellar may be closed off with a grating or doors which
shall not be locked or bolted unless they can be readily unbolted or
unlocked from the inside without a key and shall be arranged and
constructed so as to be readily opened at all times.

b. In lieu of the requirements set forth in subdivision a hereof,
buildings existing November first, nineteen hundred forty-nine in cities
having a population between five hundred thousand and one million may
comply with the following:

1. shall have an unobstructed entrance through a yard or court from a

(a) directly to exterior dwelling entrance with interior entrance to
basement or cellar direct from said entrance, or from a fire retarded
public hall or stair landing, and

(b) to one or more cellar or basement walls containing accessible

2. The stairway leading to cellar or basement shall be enclosed with
fire retarded partitions or equal construction and shall have a minimum
fire rating of one hour. Said cellar or basement entrance shall be
equipped with a one hour self-closing fire door assembly.