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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Sprinkler heads in rooms
Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 2
§ 194. Sprinkler heads in rooms. 1. On and after July first, nineteen
hundred fifty-seven, in every room used for class B occupancy whether in
a class A or class B non-fireproof converted dwelling, there shall be
one or more sprinkler heads. Such sprinkler heads shall be installed in
accordance with the supplementary rules and regulations of the
department. This requirement shall not apply to dwellings which have a
required second means of egress.

2. The requirements of this section shall not apply to a dwelling
located within an area designated on the master plan as an area suitable
for development and redevelopment, provided (a) that the agency in
charge of such clearance shall have certified to the department on or
before February first, nineteen hundred fifty-nine that the dwelling
will be demolished within one year after the service of notice of
violation and (b) that the dwelling is not in violation of any rules and
regulations relating to overoccupancy, egress or fire protection. Such
temporary exemption from the requirements of this section may be
extended for an additional period of not more than six months upon
renewal of such certification of demolition and safety.