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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Yards and courts
Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 7, TITLE 1
§ 212. Yards and courts. 1. No tenement shall be enlarged or its lot
diminished in any way which would leave any yard or court less in any
dimension than the minimum dimensions prescribed for yards or courts in
section twenty-six.

The restrictions of this subdivision shall not apply to tenements
erected after April twelfth, nineteen hundred one, on lots which run
through from one street to another street and do not exceed one hundred
feet in depth.

2. Any court constructed on or after December fifteenth, nineteen
hundred sixty-one in a tenement to ventilate any room, public hall,
water-closet compartment or bathroom shall be of the dimensions
prescribed in section twenty-six, and such court shall under no
circumstances be roofed or covered over at the top. Every such court, if
an inner court, shall be provided at the bottom with one or more
horizontal air-intakes constructed as provided in section twenty-six.

3. Any shaft or court constructed after April eighteenth, nineteen
hundred twenty-nine, which is used to light or ventilate any room
occupied for living purposes in any old-law tenement shall be at least
twenty-five square feet in area and four feet in width in every part,
and shall under no circumstances be roofed or covered over at the top.
Every such shaft shall be provided at the bottom with a horizontal
air-intake or duct at least four square feet in area communicating
directly with a street or yard and so arranged as to be easily cleaned.

4. In every old-law tenement there shall be a door at the bottom of
every shaft and inner court giving access to the shaft or court and
whenever the shaft or inner court is less than two hundred square feet
in area or ten feet in any dimension, such door and its assembly shall
be fireproof with the door self-closing. Where a window or door existing
on April eighteenth, nineteen hundred twenty-nine, gives proper access
to such a shaft or court, such window or door shall be deemed