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Alcohol awareness program
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE D, ARTICLE 19
§ 19.25 Alcohol awareness program.

(a) The office shall establish an alcohol awareness program within the
office which shall focus upon, but not be limited to, the health effects
and social costs of alcoholism and alcohol abuse.

(b) The form, content and method of presentation of various aspects of
such program shall be developed by the commissioner, provided that such
program shall not exceed two hours per week over a period not to exceed
eight weeks.

(c) The commissioner shall establish a schedule of fees to be paid by
each participant and may, from time to time, modify same. Such fees may
be waived, reduced or otherwise adjusted by the court upon application
for resentence in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of
subdivision five of section 420.10 of the criminal procedure law. For
the purposes of this section the term "fee" shall also mean "payment" as
referred to in paragraph (a) of subdivision five of section 420.10 of
the criminal procedure law. Such fees shall not exceed amounts necessary
to pay the ongoing expenses of the program. Provided, however, that
pursuant to an agreement with the office, a municipality, a department
or part thereof, or other not-for-profit corporation may conduct such a
course in such program with all or part of the expense of such course
being borne by such municipality, department, or part thereof, or other
not-for-profit corporation. Ten percent of all fees received for such
courses shall be paid to the office for administrative costs of program

(d) A certificate of completion shall be sent to the court by the
office upon completion of the program by all participants.