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Financial support and disbursement of funds
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE D, ARTICLE 25
§ 25.03 Financial support and disbursement of funds.

(a) In accordance with the provisions of this article, and within
appropriations made available, the office may provide state aid to a
program operated by a local governmental unit or voluntary agency up to
one hundred per centum of the approved net operating costs of such
program operated by a local governmental unit or voluntary agency, and
state aid may also be granted to a program operated by a local
governmental unit or a voluntary agency for capital costs associated
with the provision of services at a rate of up to one hundred percent of
approved capital costs. Such state aid shall not be granted unless and
until such program operated by a local governmental unit or voluntary
agency is in compliance with all regulations promulgated by the
commissioner regarding the financing of capital projects. Such state aid
for approved net operating costs shall be made available by way of
advance or reimbursement, through either contracts entered into between
the office and such voluntary agency or by distribution of such state
aid to local governmental units through a grant process pursuant to
section 25.11 of this article.

(b) Financial support by the office shall be subject to the approval
of the director of the budget and within available appropriations.

(c) All federal financial assistance granted or allocated to the
office by the United States shall only be paid out on the audit and
warrant of the comptroller on the certificate of the commissioner or his
authorized representative.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the state to
increase such state aid should a local governmental unit choose to
remove any portion of its local tax levy support of voluntary agencies,
although the state may choose to do so to address an urgent public need,
or conversely, may choose to reduce its state aid up to the same
percentage as the reduction in local tax levy.