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Client service report
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 29
§ 29.18 Client service report.

(a) The commissioner shall establish a client service report system
for the purpose of providing notification of services or treatment
provided to individual patients or clients to such patients or clients,
to persons duly authorized to represent such patients or clients,
including a parent or parents, legal guardian or next-of-kin if a
patient or client is a minor, and to appropriate directors of community
services and social services as hereinafter prescribed.

(b) A client service report shall be prepared for each patient or
client receiving services or treatment in a department facility, or
program to include, but not be limited to, information regarding the
types, location, date and estimated costs of services and names of
persons responsible for providing such services to each patient or
client during the course of his treatment or during each twelve month
period of treatment, whichever time period is shorter. Such report shall
be made available as hereinafter prescribed no later than thirty days
after the end of such course of treatment if such course is less than
twelve months in duration, or after the anniversary date of the
patient's admission to a department facility or of the initial
participation in a program or course of treatment of an individual who
is not a resident of the department facility if the program or course of
treatment is more than twelve months in duration.

(c) Upon request, such client service report shall be made available
to the patient or client, or to a person or persons representing him on
his behalf, including the parent or parents, legal guardian or
next-of-kin, if such patient or client is a minor. At their request and
with the consent of the commissioner and the patient or client, such
client service report shall be made available to the appropriate
director of community services and/or social services and the mental
hygiene legal service.

(d) The commissioner shall establish procedures for making such client
service reports available to the persons provided in this section, and
for advising patients and clients, their representatives, directors of
community services and social services and the mental hygiene legal
service of the availability of such reports and the established
procedures for obtaining them.