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This entry was published on 2022-10-07
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Certified recovery residences
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 32
§ 32.05-a Certified recovery residences.

1. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations consistent with this
section for the voluntary certification of certified recovery

2. Such regulations shall be evidence-based, utilizing information
from sources with expertise in treatment and recovery. Such regulations
shall, at a minimum, provide guidance for:

(a) staffing;

(b) referrals to and coordination with community and peer based
supports including support related to co-occurring disorders;

(c) resident safety;

(d) resident rights;

(e) confidentiality;

(f) reoccurance support;

(g) application of tenants rights;

(h) administrative and operational policies and procedures; and

(i) housing standards which shall meet or exceed the housing quality
standards for safe and habitual housing which are established by local
housing codes.

3. Once the commissioner has certified a location as a certified
recovery residence, such certified recovery residence shall be included
on the office's website as an available option for individuals seeking
such an environment.

4. The commissioner shall regulate and ensure that residences which
are certified to be certified recovery residences are continuing to meet
the requirements of this section. The commissioner has the authority to
inspect such certified recovery residences and impose penalties,
including limiting, revoking or suspending a certification, as
appropriate, for failure to comply with the provisions of this section.