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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 67
§ 67.03 Residents.

(a) For the purposes of this article any person who resides in the
state continuously for one year, and any person under the age of sixteen
or any person with a developmental disability whose parents or persons
having legal custody of him have resided in the state continuously for
one year, shall be considered a state resident. Residence so acquired
continues until the resident has remained away from the state for one

(b) No person shall lose state residence through absence from the
state while serving in or attached to the armed forces of the United
States or the United States Merchant Marine and no member of the family
of any such person shall lose state residence through absence from the
state while living with or near such person during the period of

(c) The continuous residence required to become a resident does not
include any period during which a person was residing on a military
reservation, but periods of residence immediately before and after the
period of residence on a military reservation, if equaling one year,
shall satisfy the required period of continuous residence.