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This entry was published on 2020-02-07
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Policy and purposes of article
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 75
§ 75.03 Policy and purposes of article.

It is hereby declared that the provision of new and improved community
facilities is necessary to care for the increasing number of persons
afflicted with mental disability. Such facilities should be located
close to the people they serve in order to speed rehabilitation and
restoration and to provide for out-patient care, in-patient care,
including after care, diagnostic and rehabilitative services, and
residential accommodations for operation as hostels. Such facilities
should supplement the services provided by the commissioner and the
department of mental hygiene and should be available to cities and
counties operating approved community services programs pursuant to the
provisions of article eleven of this chapter.

It is hereby further declared that non-profit corporations should be
created to construct, acquire, reconstruct, rehabilitate, own, and
operate such facilities and that provision should be made for mortgage
loan participation by a lending institution or the New York state
housing finance agency in order to insure that the full resources of the
private enterprise sector of the economy may be made available for this
purpose; that there is a need for public assistance to such corporations
by the granting of tax exemption; that it is the policy of the state to
promote the provision of community facilities by such nonprofit
corporations; and that such provision is a public use and purpose.