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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Transfer of real property
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 75
§ 75.23 Transfer of real property.

Notwithstanding any requirement of law to the contrary or any
provision of any general, special or local law, charter or ordinance,
every executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, or other person
holding trust funds or acting in a fiduciary capacity, unless the
instrument under which such fiduciary is acting expressly forbids, and
the state, its subdivisions, municipalities, all other public bodies,
all public officers, persons, partnerships, and corporations owning or
holding any real property, may grant, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer
any such real property or interest therein to a company and receive and
hold any cash, exchanged therefor by such company and may execute such
instruments and do such acts as may be deemed necessary or desirable by
them or it and by the company in connection with a project or projects
and such sale, lease, or transfer may be made without public auction or
bidding; provided, however, that where such real property is within an
urban renewal area, the disposition thereof shall be in accordance with
the provisions of paragraph (d) of subdivision two of section five
hundred seven of the general municipal law.