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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Consolidated procedure
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 79
§ 79.09 Consolidated procedure.

Upon petition for the appointment of a guardian the court may appoint
such guardian to receive not only benefits from the veterans'
administration and income from such benefits, but such other property of
the ward to which he may be entitled and which is not then being
administered by a committee appointed pursuant to the provisions of
article seventy-eight of this chapter in the case of an incompetent or
pursuant to article seventy-seven of this chapter in the case of a
conservatee, or guardian appointed pursuant to the provisions of the
surrogate's court procedure act in the case of an infant; provided,
however, that if objection to such appointment of a guardian be made by
or on behalf of such ward, such appointment shall not be made except
upon compliance with said provisions of this chapter in the case of an
incompetent or conservatee, or the surrogate's court procedure act in
the case of an infant.