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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Recognition of veterans' administration as a party in interest
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 79
§ 79.39 Recognition of veterans' administration as a party in interest.

(a) With respect to benefits from the administration or the income
therefrom, the administrator of the United States veterans'
administration or his duly authorized attorney, for the purpose of
bringing any action, or otherwise appearing, in behalf of a ward of the
administration to whom benefits from said administration may accrue,
shall be recognized as a party in interest and entitled to all the
rights and privileges of a party.

(b) In addition to any official authorized by law to administer oaths,
any attorney or field representative employed by the United States
veterans' administration shall be authorized to administer any oath
required in any court proceeding wherein such administration is a party
in interest, as provided in subdivision (a). The certification, on any
affidavit, instrument, or document, as to an oath taken by any such
attorney or field representative of the United States veterans'
administration pursuant to the authority of this section, shall contain
a statement of the title of the office or employment of such attorney or
field representative in such administration.