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This entry was published on 2022-07-29
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Facilitation of agreement
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 82
* § 82.09 Facilitation of agreement.

The provisions of section 82.11 and subdivisions (b) through (d) of
section 82.12 of this article shall only apply in circumstances where a
decision is made by a decision-maker pursuant to a supported
decision-making agreement created in accordance with this article where
such decision-maker and his or her supporter or supporters have worked
with a facilitator, such supporter or supporters have followed a
recognized supported decision-making facilitation or education process
as defined and prescribed by regulations promulgated by the office for
people with developmental disabilities and such facilitator has signed
such agreement.

* NB Effective 90 days from the date that the regulations issued in
accordance with § 1 of chapter 481 of 2022 appear in the New York State
Register or the date such regulations are adopted, whichever is later.