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This entry was published on 2015-11-27
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Effect of registration
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 83
§ 83.39 Effect of registration.

(a) Upon registration of an order appointing a guardian of the person
or protective order from another state, the guardian of the person or
guardian of the property may exercise in this state all powers
authorized in the order of appointment or protective order except as
prohibited under the laws of this state and, if the guardian of the
person or guardian of the property is not a resident of this state,
subject to any conditions imposed upon nonresident parties.

(b) A court of this state may grant any relief available under this
article and other law of this state to enforce a registered order.

(c) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon
registration of an order appointing a guardian of the person or
protective order from another state, the guardian of the person or
guardian of the property, if so authorized in the order of appointment
or protective order, may commence and defend actions and proceedings in
this state.

(d) Upon registration of a protective order from another state, the
guardian of the property, if so authorized in the protective order, may
petition the court pursuant to article seventeen of the real property
actions and proceedings law, for permission to dispose of the real
property, or an interest in the real property, of the protected person.