Patients' records
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE B, ARTICLE 9
* § 9.11 Patients' records.
Except as to informal patients and patients admitted pursuant to
section 9.39 or 9.40, the director of a hospital shall within five days,
excluding Sunday and holidays, after the admission of any patient
forward to the mental hygiene legal service a record of such patient and
shall simultaneously forward to the department such information from the
record as the commissioner by regulation shall require. Such information
from the record in the department shall be accessible only in the manner
set forth in section 33.13.
* NB Effective until July 1, 2027
* § 9.11 Patients' records.
Except as to informal patients and patients admitted pursuant to
section 9.39, the director of a hospital shall within five days,
excluding Sunday and holidays, after the admission of any patient
forward to the mental hygiene legal service a record of such patient and
shall simultaneously forward to the department such information from the
record as the commissioner by regulation shall require. Such information
from the record in the department shall be accessible only in the manner
set forth in section 33.13.
* NB Effective July 1, 2027
Except as to informal patients and patients admitted pursuant to
section 9.39 or 9.40, the director of a hospital shall within five days,
excluding Sunday and holidays, after the admission of any patient
forward to the mental hygiene legal service a record of such patient and
shall simultaneously forward to the department such information from the
record as the commissioner by regulation shall require. Such information
from the record in the department shall be accessible only in the manner
set forth in section 33.13.
* NB Effective until July 1, 2027
* § 9.11 Patients' records.
Except as to informal patients and patients admitted pursuant to
section 9.39, the director of a hospital shall within five days,
excluding Sunday and holidays, after the admission of any patient
forward to the mental hygiene legal service a record of such patient and
shall simultaneously forward to the department such information from the
record as the commissioner by regulation shall require. Such information
from the record in the department shall be accessible only in the manner
set forth in section 33.13.
* NB Effective July 1, 2027