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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Interior water-closets and bathrooms
Multiple Residence (MRE) CHAPTER 61-B, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 2
§ 215. Interior water-closets and bathrooms. 1. Except as otherwise
provided in this section, water-closets, bath and shower rooms may be
ventilated by windows or mechanically ventilated as prescribed in
section one hundred seventy-one.

2. In transiently occupied dwellings there shall be on each story at
least two water-closet compartments for the first twenty living rooms or
fraction thereof and at least one additional water-closet compartment
for each additional fifteen living rooms or fraction thereof.

a. The water-closet compartments on each story shall be accessible
from every such living room on the story. Such water-closet compartments
may be placed in one or more general toilet rooms.

b. Every water-closet compartment of a general toilet containing
water-closet compartments permitted under this subdivision shall have a
window opening to the outer air of the dimensions, kind and location
required in a living room of the same area by section one hundred three,
or be provided with a system of mechanical ventilation as prescribed in
subdivision six of section one hundred seventy-one.