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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Application to certain municipalities
Multiple Residence (MRE) CHAPTER 61-B, ARTICLE 1
§ 3. Application to certain municipalities. 1. This chapter shall
apply to all cities of less than three hundred twenty-five thousand
population and to all towns and villages.

2. Whenever the word "municipality" occurs in this chapter, it shall
mean a city, town or village to which the chapter is applicable. The
words "charter," "ordinance," "resolution," "regulation," "building
code," "department of health," "department of water supply," "fire
department," "department," "board," "municipal engineer," "building
official," "corporation counsel," "municipal treasury," or "fire
limits," shall be construed as if followed by the words "or
corresponding authority of any municipality in which the dwelling or
location referred to is situated."

3. Wherever in this chapter the installation or maintenance of a fire
alarm system, fire detecting system, watchman's clock system, sprinkler
system, fire-escape system or part thereof is required or permitted,
such system or part thereof shall be constructed, installed, arranged
and maintained in a manner satisfactory to the department in accordance
with rules and regulations adopted by the commission pursuant to section
three hundred twenty-six of this chapter.