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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Fees for vessel inspections and for the issuance of licenses
Navigation (NAV) CHAPTER 37, ARTICLE 4, PART 2
§ 65. Fees for vessel inspections and for the issuance of licenses.
The owner of a public vessel, inspected and licensed as provided in this
chapter, shall pay to the inspector, for each vessel not over ten tons
burden, twenty dollars; for each vessel over ten and not over twenty
tons burden, thirty dollars; for each vessel over twenty and not over
fifty tons burden, forty dollars; for each vessel over fifty and not
over one hundred tons burden, fifty dollars; and for each vessel over
one hundred tons burden, one hundred dollars. Each person licensed, as
provided for in this chapter, shall pay twenty dollars for each original
license and ten dollars for each renewal thereof. All moneys received by
the office for examinations, licenses or renewals of licenses, shall be
deposited into the "I love NY waterways" boating safety fund established
pursuant to section ninety-seven-nn of the state finance law.