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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Cooperation and coordination
N. Y. Wine/Grape 80/85 (NYW) CHAPTER 80
§ 6. Cooperation and coordination. 1. The foundation shall establish
and maintain working relationships with organizations and institutions
in the state directly involved in the production, processing and sales
of wine, grapes, and grape products and in related educational and
research activities. Such contact should also include governmental
agencies which may have promotional or economic development
responsibilities or have jurisdiction over facilities at which wine or
grape products may be used or sold.

2. The foundation shall annually request from the groups and
organizations with which its directors have affiliations and from other
appropriate organizations and interests such as noted in subdivision
one, reports detailing their present and planned activities in the area
of promotion and research for wine and other grape products. The
foundation shall review such activities and take them into account in
development of its own plans and programs.

3. The foundation should annually make available to all interested
parties a description of its programs and plans and the ways in which
the activities of others will be supplemented.