Historic business preservation registry
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (PAR) CHAPTER 36-B, TITLE C, ARTICLE 14
§ 14.11 Historic business preservation registry. 1. Purpose. A
registry of historic businesses in the state shall be established for
the purpose of recognizing that historic community-serving businesses
are valuable cultural assets that serve as examples of the rich and
diverse history of the communities in the state. Such registry shall
also serve as a tool for providing educational and promotional
assistance to historic businesses to encourage their continued viability
and success.
2. Establishment. The office shall establish and maintain a registry
of historic businesses in the state and maintain an online registry
which includes the name, address and a list of products and/or services
offered by each historic business that has been accepted into the
3. Eligibility. A historic business must first be nominated by an
assembly member, senator, the governor or the lieutenant governor.
Nominations are limited to ten per elected official per term. An elected
official shall not nominate a business if they, or a close family
member, including a spouse, children, siblings or parents, own or have a
major investment stake in such business.
4. Application. (a) After a business is nominated pursuant to
subdivision three of this section, such business shall submit a
completed application for final approval. Such application shall be
created by the office and shall include the following requirements:
(i) The business shall have operated in the state for fifty or more
years with no break in operations exceeding two years. The business may
have operated in more than one location, but shall have operated in the
same municipality for a minimum of fifty years.
(ii) The business has contributed to the municipality's history and/or
identity of such municipality.
(iii) The business is committed to maintaining the physical features
and traditions that define such business, including but not limited to,
craft, culinary or art forms.
(b) The office, upon receipt of a nomination and accompanying
application, shall make a determination of whether the applicant meets
the requirements necessary to be accepted into such registry. The
nominating elected official and the applicant shall be notified by the
office if such applicant is not accepted into the registry and shall
explain the reasons for the determination of ineligibility.
registry of historic businesses in the state shall be established for
the purpose of recognizing that historic community-serving businesses
are valuable cultural assets that serve as examples of the rich and
diverse history of the communities in the state. Such registry shall
also serve as a tool for providing educational and promotional
assistance to historic businesses to encourage their continued viability
and success.
2. Establishment. The office shall establish and maintain a registry
of historic businesses in the state and maintain an online registry
which includes the name, address and a list of products and/or services
offered by each historic business that has been accepted into the
3. Eligibility. A historic business must first be nominated by an
assembly member, senator, the governor or the lieutenant governor.
Nominations are limited to ten per elected official per term. An elected
official shall not nominate a business if they, or a close family
member, including a spouse, children, siblings or parents, own or have a
major investment stake in such business.
4. Application. (a) After a business is nominated pursuant to
subdivision three of this section, such business shall submit a
completed application for final approval. Such application shall be
created by the office and shall include the following requirements:
(i) The business shall have operated in the state for fifty or more
years with no break in operations exceeding two years. The business may
have operated in more than one location, but shall have operated in the
same municipality for a minimum of fifty years.
(ii) The business has contributed to the municipality's history and/or
identity of such municipality.
(iii) The business is committed to maintaining the physical features
and traditions that define such business, including but not limited to,
craft, culinary or art forms.
(b) The office, upon receipt of a nomination and accompanying
application, shall make a determination of whether the applicant meets
the requirements necessary to be accepted into such registry. The
nominating elected official and the applicant shall be notified by the
office if such applicant is not accepted into the registry and shall
explain the reasons for the determination of ineligibility.