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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Historic sites
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (PAR) CHAPTER 36-B, TITLE C, ARTICLE 19
§ 19.05 Historic sites. The following historic sites heretofore
acquired, established, or designated by law shall be continued in the
office subject to the provisions of this article and chapter.

1. Bennington Battlefield.

2. Fort Crailo.

3. Philipse Manor Hall.

4. Sir William Johnson Mansion.

5. Schuyler Mansion.

6. Herkimer House.

7. Guy Park house and grounds.

8. Washington's headquarters.

9. John Jay homestead.

10. Senate house and senate house museum at Kingston.

11. Olana. The Olana historic site shall be transferred to and be
continued in the office.