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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (PAR) CHAPTER 36-B, TITLE C, ARTICLE 20
§ 20.01 Purpose. With the loss of natural areas through development,
there is a critical need for the creation of a new designation of park
land containing wildlife, flora, scenic, historical and archeological
sites that are unique and rare in New York state. The commissioner may
designate a system of park preserves to assure the protection of this
heritage for future generations.

Furthermore, there is a need to create an additional park designation,
to be known as park preservation areas, to identify and conserve
portions of state parks, parkways, historic sites and recreational
facilities that, although the entire facility does not qualify as a park
preserve, nonetheless possess outstanding ecological values, including
assemblages of flora and fauna that are unique or rare in the state. The
commissioner may designate a system of park preservation areas to
protect outstanding ecological values within facilities under the
jurisdiction of the office that have not been designated park preserves.
For administrative purposes, designated park preservation areas shall be
considered a part of the park preserve system.