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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Rules and regulations
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (PAR) CHAPTER 36-B, TITLE D, ARTICLE 25
§ 25.01 Rules and regulations. With a view of achieving maximum use
of snowmobiles and minimizing the detrimental effect thereof upon the
environment, the commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations relating
to and including, but not limited to the following:

1. Use of snowmobiles insofar as fish and wildlife resources are

2. Use of snowmobiles on public lands and waters under the
jurisdiction of the office.

3. Uniform signs or markers to be used by governmental agencies which
are necessary or desirable to control, direct, or regulate the operation
and use of snowmobiles. Such signs as may be designated for use on
highways shall also be approved by the commissioner of transportation.

4. Specifications relating to equipment required for safety as
provided in section 25.17.

5. Requirements for the protection of private property or interests
therein occasioned by the use of snowmobiles.

6. Establishment of a comprehensive snowmobile information and safety
education and training program, including provision for issuance of
snowmobile safety certificates for operation of snowmobiles by youthful

7. Granting of permits for and the conduct of special events as
provided in section 25.11.

8. Administration and enforcement of the provisions of section 25.13,
relating to insurance.

9. Such other matters as may be necessary or desirable to provide for
the effective administration and enforcement of the provisions of this