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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Offenses; penalties
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (PAR) CHAPTER 36-B, TITLE E, ARTICLE 27
§ 27.11 Offenses; penalties. 1. Unless otherwise specifically
provided, any person who violates any provision of this chapter, or of
any law, ordinance, rule, regulation or order adopted pursuant thereto,
shall be guilty of a

(a) traffic infraction, if such provision, law, ordinance, rule,
regulation or order is one which regulates traffic as specified in
section one hundred fifty-five of the vehicle and traffic law, but does
not relate to snowmobiles.

(b) violation, for any other offense.

2. A traffic infraction shall be punishable as provided in subdivision
(b) of section one thousand eight hundred of the vehicle and traffic law
in the same manner as if the offense were a violation of the vehicle and
traffic law. A violation shall be punishable as provided in the penal
law. Upon conviction of a violation of any provision of article
twenty-five of this chapter a court may also require the convicted
person, as a condition of the sentence in addition to any other penalty,
to successfully complete a snowmobile safety course approved by the