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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Regional park, recreation and historic preservation commissions
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (PAR) CHAPTER 36-B, TITLE B, ARTICLE 7
§ 7.03 Regional park, recreation and historic preservation
commissions. Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the several
regional park commissions shall be continued as regional park,
recreation and historic preservation commissions, as follows:

1. The first region: the Niagara Frontier state park, recreation and
historic preservation commission.

2. The second region: Allegany state park, recreation and historic
preservation commission.

3. The third region: the Genesee state park, recreation and historic
preservation commission.

4. The fourth region: the Finger Lakes state park, recreation and
historic preservation commission.

5. The fifth region: the Central New York state park, recreation and
historic preservation commission.

6. The seventh region: the Taconic state park, recreation and historic
preservation commission.

7. The ninth region: the Long Island state park, recreation and
historic preservation commission.

8. The tenth region: the Thousand Island state park, recreation and
historic preservation commission.

9. The eleventh region: the Saratoga Springs commission and the
Capital district state park commission, as the Saratoga-Capital district
state park, recreation and historic preservation commission.

10. The twelfth region: the state park, recreation and historic
preservation commission for the city of New York.