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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Civil service status of officers and employees
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 7, TITLE 2
§ 1429. Civil service status of officers and employees. Officers and
employees of any board, commission or department of the city may be
transferred to the authority in accordance with the provisions of the
civil service law and shall be eligible for such transfer and
appointment without examination to offices and positions under the
authority. Officers and employees of the city who are members or
beneficiaries of any existing pension or retirement system shall
continue to have the rights, privileges, obligations and status with
respect to such system or systems as are now prescribed by law, and all
such employees who have been appointed to positions in the service of
the city under the rules of the municipal civil service commission of
the city shall have the same status with respect thereto after transfer
to the authority as they had under their original appointments. The
appointment and promotion of all employees of the authority shall be
made in accordance with the provisions of the civil service law and the
rules of the city civil service commission.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter nor the provisions of
any other law, rule or regulation, the position and title of director of
the White Plains parking authority is hereby established. Such position
shall be in the unclassified service as defined in the civil service

Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter or the provisions of
any other law, rule or regulation, the positions and titles of deputy
director I and deputy director II of the White Plains parking authority
are hereby established. The positions of deputy director I and deputy
director II shall be in the exempt class of the classified civil service
as defined in the civil service law.