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Additional powers of the authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 3
* § 153-a. Additional powers of the authority. The authority shall in
addition have power: 1. By contract or contracts or by its own employees
to construct, on lands of the state, Captree bridge subject to such
consents and approval of federal authorities as may be necessary.

2. In the discretion of the board, but only if and as permitted in any
agreement with bondholders, by contract or contracts or by its own
employees to construct (a) Captree parkway; (b) such improvements along
Captree parkway and Captree bridge and on Jones Beach island as it shall
deem desirable for park and parkway purposes, including but not limited
to automobile parking places, bathhouses, swimming pools, restaurants,
boat basins, docks and slips and other recreational facilities.

3. To maintain, reconstruct and operate Captree bridge and, but only
if and as permitted in any agreement with bondholders, to maintain,
reconstruct and operate Captree parkway and such park and parkway
improvements as it shall construct along Captree parkway and on Jones
Beach island.

4. Subject to and in accordance with any agreements with bondholders,
to charge tolls for the use of Captree bridge and to charge rentals and
make other charges for the use of any parkway or improvement operated by

5. To construct and maintain over, under, along or across Captree
bridge and, if constructed by the parkway authority, over, under, along
or across Captree parkway, telephone, telegraph or electric wires and
cables, gas mains, water mains, and other mechanical equipment not
inconsistent with park or parkway purposes; to contract for such
construction and to lease the right to construct and/or use the same on
such terms and for such consideration as it shall determine, provided,
however, that no lease shall be made for a period of more than ten years
from the date when it is made.

6. To construct and maintain facilities for the public on and along
Captree bridge and if constructed by it, on and along Captree parkway
(not inconsistent with the use of Captree bridge as a bridge and Captree
parkway as a parkway), to contract for such construction, and to lease
the right to construct and/or use such facilities on such terms and for
such consideration as it shall determine, provided, however, that no
lease shall be made for a period of more than ten years from the date
when it is made.

7. To do all things necessary or convenient to enforce its rights and
to carry out its purposes, duties and the powers expressly given in this
or any other section of this title.

* NB (Authority abolished June 30, 1978)