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Relocation of dwellings
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 3
* § 158-c. Relocation of dwellings. 1. It is hereby declared that any
reduction in housing accommodations on Long Island would be detrimental
to the community; that this condition requires that provision be made
for the relocation and rehabilitation of dwellings affected by projects
undertaken by the authority; that the necessity, in the public interest
for the provisions of this section, is hereby declared as a matter of
legislative determination.

2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the authority shall
have power whenever it shall acquire real property with dwellings
thereon (a) to acquire real property for the purpose of providing new
sites on which such dwellings may be relocated by purchase, gift, devise
or condemnation in the manner provided in this title, or, with the
approval of the director of the budget, to use real property under the
jurisdiction of the authority for such purpose; (b) to sell such
dwellings or to provide for the removal and rehabilitation of such
dwellings on new foundations at such new sites by contract or by its own
labor force or by combination of such methods; (c) to contract for the
installation of services and facilities including water, sewer, gas,
electricity and other necessary appurtenances required for the complete
restoration of such dwellings; (d) to landscape such sites; (e) to
contract with any person, firm or corporation or with a municipality for
the improvement or installation of streets, sewers, water lines or other
facilities in connection with the relocation of such dwellings and to
pay the cost thereof and any municipality is hereby authorized to enter
into any such contract; (f) to contract with the several owners of such
property for the conveyance of the new sites with improvements thereon
to such owner in settlement in part or in whole of the compensation and
damage to which they are entitled; and (g) to sell such sites with or
without dwellings and improvements thereon.

3. The authority may agree with the owners of property acquired, in
settlement in part or in whole of the damages to which they are
entitled, to compensate such owners for the cost of acquiring new sites,
removing dwellings thereto on new foundations, the installation of
services and facilities including water, sewerage, gas, electricity, and
other necessary appurtenances required for the complete restoration of
such dwellings; and landscaping of the new site.

4. This section shall be effective only until January first, nineteen
hundred fifty-six.

* NB Expired January 1, 1956

* NB (Authority abolished June 30, 1978)