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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Designation of contract negotiator for small business set-asides
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 4-A
* § 1699. Designation of contract negotiator for small business
set-asides. The chairman shall designate an experienced contract
negotiator to serve as its small business procurement specialist whose
duties shall include:

a. Compiling and maintaining a comprehensive bidders' list of small
businesses. In this duty, he shall cooperate with the federal Small
Business Administration in locating potential sources for various
products and services.

b. Assisting small businesses in complying with the procedures for
bidding on authority contracts at such educational institutions.

c. Examining requests from the board of trustees of the Hostos
Community College for the purchase of property or services or for
construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement of college
facilities to help determine which invitations to bid are to be
designated small business set-asides.

d. Making recommendations to the chairman for the simplification of
procurement specifications and terms in order to increase the
opportunities for small business participation.

e. Assisting in investigations by the chairman to determine the
responsibility of bidders on small business set-asides.

* NB There are 2 § 1699's