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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Loans to lenders funds
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 8, SUBTITLE 5-A
§ 1835-f. Loans to lenders funds. 1. The following shall constitute
loans to lenders funds of the authority and shall be kept separate and
apart from all other funds of the authority: (a) the proceeds of sale of
loans to lenders bonds and notes hereafter issued, (b) any moneys
appropriated and made available by the state for the purposes of this
subtitle, (c) any moneys made available to the authority for the
purposes of this subtitle from any other source, including without
limitation, any federal agency, (d) any moneys received by the authority
as principal, interest and other payments on account of loans hereafter
made by the authority pursuant to this subtitle, (e) any fees, charges
or other moneys received by the authority in respect of loans to lenders
hereinafter made by the authority pursuant to this subtitle or on
account of applications therefor, and (f) any income or interest
hereafter earned by or any increment hereafter added to any loans to
lenders funds due to the investment thereof.

2. Subject to the terms of any agreement with lenders, bondholders and
noteholders, loans to lenders funds may be used by the authority solely:
(a) to make loans to lenders for the purpose of financing loans for
agricultural business projects in any area of the state, (b) to pay
expenses of the authority referred to in any of the clauses of
subdivision one of section eighteen hundred twenty-eight of this title,
(c) to repay advances from the state for use as loans to lenders funds
in accordance with any provision of law or repayment agreement between
the authority and the state, (d) to pay the principal, redemption
premium or interest on loans to lenders bonds or notes, (e) to purchase
outstanding loans to lenders bonds and notes or (f) to exercise any of
the powers conferred in this subtitle.