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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Advances on behalf of authority; transfer of property to authority; acquisition of property for authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 13-FF
§ 2049-dd. Advances on behalf of authority; transfer of property to
authority; acquisition of property for authority. 1. In addition to any
powers granted to it by law, the legislative body of the counties may,
from time to time, appropriate by resolution sums of money to defray
project costs or any other costs and expenses of the authority. Subject
to the rights of bondholders, each such legislative body may determine
if the moneys so appropriated shall be subject to repayment by the
authority to any such county and, in such event, the manner and time or
times for such repayment.

2. The counties or any other municipality within the area of
operation, may give, grant, sell, convey, loan, license the use of or
lease to the authority any property or facility which is useful in
connection with the exercise by the authority of its powers under this
title. Any such gift, grant, sale, conveyance, loan, license or lease
shall be for such consideration, be upon such terms and conditions,
subject to the rights of the holders of any bonds, as the authority and
such county or other municipality may agree. Any such gifts, grant,
sale, conveyance, loan or license shall not be subject to referendum,
permissive or mandatory. The authority, in furtherance of any purchase,
conveyance or lease of any property or facility from any county or other
municipality, may assume the primary responsibility for the payment of
the principal and interest on any bonds or notes issued by such county
or other municipality for such property or facility. For purposes of
section 136.00 of the local finance law, any agreement by the authority
to assume the primary responsibility for the payment of the principal
and interest on any bonds or notes issued by any such county or other
municipality shall, so long as such agreement shall continue to be
honored by the authority, cause such bonds or notes to be deemed to have
been refunded and any such county or other municipality may deduct from
its gross indebtedness any outstanding indebtedness contracted for such
property or facility to be acquired by the authority.

3. The counties may acquire by purchase or condemnation real property
in the name of such counties or county for any corporate purpose of the

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, general, special
or local, real property acquired by the authority or the counties from
the state may be used for any corporate purpose of the authority.