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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public hearings of the authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 28-BB
§ 2675-g. Public hearings of the authority. 1. The authority shall
hold public hearings prior to:

(a) the adoption of the preliminary report pursuant to section
twenty-six hundred seventy-five-f of this title;

(b) the adoption of any project where the authority would condemn real
property pursuant to subdivision three of section twenty-six hundred
seventy-five-e of this title;

2. The board shall schedule and hold two or more public hearings to
solicit public comments. Notice of such hearings shall, not less than
two weeks prior to the scheduled date, be posted conspicuously and
printed in a newspaper or newspapers having general circulation within
the county of Albany. Provision shall be made for the solicitation of
comments from interested parties not able to attend the hearing(s).
After the conclusion of the public hearing and comment period, the board
shall consider the results of the public hearing and comments submitted
with respect to the adoption of the preliminary report or proposed
project and issue a report summarizing the comments received.