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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Special powers with regard to solid waste management facilities
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 29
§ 2707. Special powers with regard to solid waste management
facilities. The authority shall have power:

1. to collect, receive, extract, transport, process, dispose of, sell,
store, convey, recycle and deal with, in any lawful manner an way, solid
waste or by-products thereof now or hereafter developed or discovered,
including any energy or steam generated by the operation of any facility
on such terms and in such manner as the authority may deem proper;

2. to collect or receive from the United States, the state, any
municipality or public corporation or person solid waste for the purpose
of treatment or disposal thereof, with the right of the authority to
sell and dispose of any by-products, including energy or steam, of such
process of treatment or disposal, as the authority may deem proper; and

3. to contract with counties, municipalities, state agencies, public
corporations, or persons and the United States for the purpose of
collecting, receiving, treating and disposing of solid waste, including,
without limitation, to contract with counties, municipalities, state
agencies, public corporations the United States or persons for the
delivery of solid waste generated within a stated area to a specific