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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Mission statement and measurement report
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 2
§ 2824-a. Mission statement and measurement report. Each state
authority shall submit to the authorities budget office on or before
March thirty-first, two thousand ten, and each local authority shall
submit to the authorities budget office on or before March thirty-first,
two thousand eleven, a proposed authority mission statement and proposed
measurements which the authorities budget office shall post on its
website. The proposed authority mission statement and proposed
measurements shall have the following components: a brief mission
statement expressing the purpose and goals of the authority, a
description of the stakeholders of the authority and their reasonable
expectations from the authority, and a list of measurements by which
performance of the authority and the achievement of its goals may be
evaluated. Each authority shall reexamine its mission statement and
measurements on an annual basis, and publish a self-evaluation based on
the stated measurements; provided, however, such reexamination may be
waived pursuant to a determination by the director of the authorities
budget office that such undertaking is unnecessary for an individual