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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Quorums and majorities
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 2
§ 2826. Quorums and majorities. Notwithstanding any other provision
of this chapter and notwithstanding any provision of any general,
special or local law, whenever the whole number of the board of any
authority or commission heretofore or hereafter continued or created by
this chapter is three or more persons, a majority of the whole number of
the members of such board, at a meeting duly held at a time fixed by
law, or by any by-law duly adopted by such board, or at any duly
adjourned meeting of such meeting or at any meeting duly held upon
reasonable notice to all of the members of such board, shall constitute
a quorum and not less than a majority of the whole number of such board
may perform and exercise the powers authorized and provided in this
chapter. For the purpose of this section the words "whole number" shall
be construed to mean the total number which such board would have were
there no vacancies and were none of the members of such board
disqualified from acting.