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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Emergency service volunteers; paid leave
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 3
§ 2850-a. Emergency service volunteers; paid leave. Notwithstanding
any other provisions of law to the contrary, public officers and
employees of public authorities who are certified by the American Red
Cross as disaster volunteers shall be granted leave from work with pay
to participate in specialized disaster relief operations upon written
request for such services by the American Red Cross and upon the
approval of the chief executive of the public authority for which the
public officer or employee serves. The public officer or employee shall
be compensated at his or her regular rate of pay for those regular work
hours during which the public officer or employee is absent from work
while participating in authorized specialized disaster relief
operations. Such leave shall be provided without loss of seniority,
compensation, sick leave, vacation leave or other overtime compensation
to which the volunteer is otherwise entitled and shall not exceed twenty
days in any calendar year.