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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 4
§ 2875-a. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the following meanings unless otherwise specified:

1. "Construction item" means any such item or material used in
construction and which is procured directly by the public authority or
office or any such item or material commonly used in construction which
is procured by a person, other than a municipality, under contract with
the public authority or office.

2. "Office" means the office of general services.

3. "Practicable" means capable of being used without violating the
following criteria: performance, availability at a reasonable price,
availability within a reasonable period of time and maintenance of a
satisfactory level of competition.

4. "Product" means any material, supply, equipment or construction
item or other item whether real or personal property which is the
subject of any purchase, barter, or other exchange made to procure such

5. "Secondary materials" means any material recovered from or
otherwise destined for the waste stream, including but not limited to,
post-consumer material, industrial scrap material, and overstock or
obsolete inventories from distributors, wholesalers and other companies
as defined in rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner of
general services but such term does not include those materials and
byproducts generated from, and commonly reused within an original
manufacturing process.

6. "Specification" means any description of the physical or functional
characteristics, or of the nature of a material, supply, equipment or
construction item. It may include a description of any requirement for
inspecting, testing or preparing a material, supply, equipment or
construction item for delivery.