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Source separation of wastes
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 4
§ 2878-b. Source separation of wastes. 1. No later than September
first, nineteen hundred eighty-nine each public authority, corporation
or commission shall devise and institute a program to source separate
waste paper generated within its facilities.

Such program shall include marketing arrangements and appropriate
procedures to ensure the recovery of discarded paper in a
noncontaminated condition. This program may be phased in, utilizing
those office facilities most conducive to operation of a source
separation program, but shall be fully implemented by July first,
nineteen hundred ninety.

2. No later than July first, nineteen hundred ninety, each public
authority, corporation or commission shall devise and institute a
program to source separate all other waste generated within its
facilities that is not covered by this section. Such program shall
include marketing arrangements and appropriate procedures to ensure the
recovery of waste for which the full avoided costs of proper collection,
transportation and disposal of source separated materials are equal to
or greater than the cost of collection, transportation and sale of said
material less the amount received from the sale of said material. This
program may be phased in, utilizing those office facilities most
conducive to operation of a source separation program but shall be fully
implemented by July first, nineteen hundred ninety-one.

3. A public authority, corporation or commission occupying facilities
made available or provided by the office of general services may comply
with the provisions of this section by participating in a program
conducted by the office of general services pursuant to subdivisions
four and five of section one hundred seventy-seven of the state finance