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Whistleblower access and assistance program
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 12
§ 2986. Whistleblower access and assistance program. 1. Definitions.
a. "Employees of state and local authorities" means those persons
employed at state and local authorities, including but not limited to:
full-time and part-time employees, those employees on probation, and
temporary employees.

b. "Attorney general" shall mean the attorney general of the state of
New York.

c. "Whistleblower" shall mean any employee of a state or local
authority who discloses information concerning acts of wrongdoing,
misconduct, malfeasance, or other inappropriate behavior by an employee
or board member of the authority, concerning the authority's
investments, travel, acquisition of real or personal property, the
disposition of real or personal property and the procurement of goods
and services.

2. The director of the authorities budget office, after consultation
with the attorney general, shall develop and recommend to the
legislature a whistleblower access and assistance program which shall
include, but not be limited to:

a. evaluating and commenting on whistleblower programs and policies by
state and local authorities pursuant to paragraph (e) of subdivision one
of section twenty-eight hundred twenty-four of this article;

b. establishing toll-free telephone and facsimile lines available to
employees at state and local authorities;

c. offering advice regarding employee rights under applicable state
and federal laws and advice and options available to all persons; and

d. offering an opportunity for employees of state and local
authorities to identify concerns regarding any issue at a state or local

3. Any communications between an employee and the authorities budget
office pursuant to this section shall be held strictly confidential by
the authorities budget office, unless the employee specifically waives
in writing the right to confidentiality, except that such
confidentiality shall not exempt the authorities budget office from
disclosing such information, where appropriate, to the state inspector
general in accordance with section fifty-five of the executive law, or
prevent disclosure to any law enforcement authority.